Wednesday, 1 July 2015

2 Smart Feminist Ideas to Print on a T-Shirt

Speak of the 21st century and the first thing that comes to one mind is feminism. It is in all fairness a noble cause. Everyone is after all, equal. Women have finally achieved liberation they have fought for from the 15th century. There is therefore, no problem at all when as a woman, you put on something to remind the people around you that you are a feminist. That is exactly where feminist clothing comes into the picture. With the right feminist t-shirts or even a coat you can easily and effortlessly pass across feminism messages. You can in fact, convince the people around you to learn more about feminism and embrace it. With that in mind, consider having feminist t-shirts with the following messages.

Feminism is ‘equalism’

Anti-feminists have for a long time tried to equate the word feminism with ‘equalism’. The two words mean exactly the same thing. But like any ardent feminist will tell you, embracing the so called equalism to replace feminism will render the long feminist walk to liberation useless. So pass the message across in a simple language with a few words on your feminist clothing that feminism is after all equalism.

Feminism Is Noble

Any society that oppresses women is a society headed to destruction. Everyone knows this, but only a few individuals seem to embrace it as an absolute truth. There is little you can do to convince such people otherwise. The little that can be done can however, go a long way to help the few anti feminists see how noble the feminism cause is. So pass the message across in your clothing. Print calm and positive feminism words on your t-shirt. You may not know it but people will notice it. Some will think about the message and take it seriously. To that extent, you will have played your part in making the world embrace feminism. For additional information visit here:-

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